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    Thread: Stream starting soon!
Post: Stream starting soon!

Yesterday, Mors had his stream. Today, I'm gonna try mine. I don't know how many chances I'll get to stream (I kinda had to get a new job recently, so making sure I don't get fired takes priority...),...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 0 14,075 10-31-2021, 03:45 PM
    Thread: Event will start soon!
Post: Event will start soon!

We're still accepting submissions for the event. Submission guidelines: ( The trailer for NCFC 2021 ...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 0 7,841 10-29-2021, 11:31 PM
    Thread: Romham to stream at 12 PM EST!
Post: Romham to stream at 12 PM EST!

Did you just wake up? Need to pop something on your screen? Romham's gonna be livestreaming ( soon.
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 0 31,749 11-02-2020, 12:26 PM
    Thread: The first livestream will be soon!
Post: The first livestream will be soon!

Hey folks! I'm getting the first livestream of NCFC ready! In it, I'll show some of my recording logs of the booth entries, which I made while preparing the NCFC2020 Trailer, along with some of my ...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 0 12,106 10-28-2020, 02:03 PM
    Thread: Pardon the dust.
Post: Pardon the dust.

I apologize, would you mind giving us a bit of extra time to update the layouts and stuff? The booths and whatnot are already available. Feel free to request the Livestream key if you are new to th...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 0 13,400 10-30-2019, 05:04 AM
    Thread: Please resubmit your booths/events.
Post: Please resubmit your booths/events.

If you've noticed over the past couple of days, we have had some downtime. This was due to a server move. Unfortunately, in the process some data for this year's event was lost. If you made an a...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 1 15,478 10-16-2019, 01:46 PM
    Thread: NCFC2018 Information
Post: NCFC2018 Information

Okay, I apologize for not being able to have this ready earlier in the year. I've had a really busy, hectic year, to the point where I needed to set aside time to get this far. In regard to NCFC 2018...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 1 55,774 08-04-2018, 02:38 PM

I have not quite finalized the canning of the IRC yet, but I will set this down: each day there will be a 24 hour discord invite for the NCFC discord. Today's invite is: (Or ...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 0 21,262 10-29-2017, 11:49 PM
    Thread: Registrations are open!
Post: Registrations are open!

You know the drill, yes? Do note that unlike last year, there may be visible signs of site construction/reconstruction. Please pardon our dust.
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 7 60,547 09-30-2017, 08:51 AM
    Thread: NCFC 2017 preliminary information.
Post: NCFC 2017 preliminary information.

Well, I think it's about time I got this news post ready. Here goes! To start, I got multiple requests to put NCFC back around the late October date, and, well, this year I've caved. NCFC 2017 will ...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 3 44,670 07-27-2017, 01:00 AM
    Thread: Fangame preview livestreams hosted by NCFC
Post: RE: Fangame preview livestreams hosted by NCFC

I will broadcast a trailer on request, but it'd be more probable to do it during the event so there is an audience. :P And yeah, livestreams will be logged and available to watch later. At least the ...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 4 75,950 09-15-2016, 12:53 PM
    Thread: Fangame preview livestreams hosted by NCFC
Post: Fangame preview livestreams hosted by NCFC

I'm not entirely sure if anyone's noticed yet, but the NCFC Hitbox channel has been hosting my personal Hitbox for a time. This has been for testing some ideas for changing/adding to how livestreams m...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 4 75,950 09-14-2016, 11:26 PM
    Thread: On what would classify as a "DMCA risk".
Post: RE: On what would classify as a "DMCA risk".

CM30 Wrote: (09-12-2016, 07:33 PM) -- Can you clarify some of these points? -- One of the unfortunate things with this whole situation is that it is really hard to clarify and, quite frankly, at th...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 18 164,069 09-14-2016, 11:17 PM
    Thread: On what would classify as a "DMCA risk".
Post: On what would classify as a "DMCA risk".

Since I was PMed with some questions regarding whether certain projects, I figured this little update would be a good idea. There are some people who may be confused as worried over which projects ...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 18 164,069 09-10-2016, 04:47 PM
    Thread: Did I do it right?
Post: RE: Did I do it right?

I would presume it's an issue caused in my attempt to get registration open. I am attempting to fix it.
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 20 157,268 08-27-2016, 11:14 AM
    Thread: Did I do it right?
Post: RE: Did I do it right?

I will look into that ASAP. It seems another user managed to upload a preview game image. I wonder what is going on here? Please check again as soon as possible.
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 20 157,268 08-27-2016, 11:02 AM
    Thread: NCFC 2016 Registration Will Open Soon!
Post: RE: NCFC 2016 Registration Will Open Soon!

I plan to have more options available for people who may wish to stream this year. Last year's NCFC hosting for people who may want to stream will be available like before, but also, if yo...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 3 43,554 08-27-2016, 10:57 AM
    Thread: Did I do it right?
Post: Did I do it right?

If I must admit, this is the first time I had to fiddle with the FTP and database all on my own... ... Anyway, Booth Registration should be open! I will update the page with the layout theme as soon ...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 20 157,268 08-27-2016, 03:49 AM
    Thread: NCFC 2016 Registration Will Open Soon!
Post: NCFC 2016 Registration Will Open Soon!

Apologies for not being able to get this up earlier - I've had a combination of real-life business, technical issues, and reactions to certain project takedowns of concern. I am still planning for ...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 3 43,554 08-25-2016, 11:50 PM
    Thread: Livestream logs - 2015 edition.
Post: RE: Livestream logs - 2015 edition.

Sorry, I was busy for some time afterward so I haven't had the time. XP
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 2 54,386 09-09-2015, 02:12 PM
    Thread: Livestream logs - 2015 edition.
Post: Livestream logs - 2015 edition.

As usual, Livestreams will be posted after this year's NCFC. For reference, the logs are broadly available here. ( [Specific links will be coming soon.] The logs will al...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 2 54,386 08-31-2015, 04:51 AM
    Thread: Ready? Opening livestream is at midnight!
Post: Ready? Opening livestream is at midnight!

I spent the past few days getting some things ready for NCFC in the background, and in the meanwhile there were some notable last-minute submissions. (All I have to say is; Get hype.) It's all almo...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 9 85,078 08-23-2015, 11:16 AM
    Thread: Next Livestream + Let's bring Fight Night back!
Post: RE: Next Livestream + Let's bring Fight Night back...

Sorry for the late response. Since the last stream was a bit quiet, I think this time I'm gonna go for a 3:00 PM stream.
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 5 55,841 08-19-2015, 01:41 PM
    Thread: Next Livestream + Let's bring Fight Night back!
Post: Next Livestream + Let's bring Fight Night back!

I'm hoping to live stream again on Wednesday. There is a game I've been requested to play, but I'll hold the title until the stream is ready. More importantly, though, I've wanted to ask about Figh...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 5 55,841 08-17-2015, 09:35 PM
    Thread: Gonna try the next Livestream today at 2 PM.
Post: Gonna try the next Livestream today at 2 PM.

I'm thinking the previous livestream time was a bit too close to a chokepoint for my own personal streaming, so today I'm gonna try the next preview stream at 2 PM. For this preview stream... hmm, ...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 1 33,017 08-17-2015, 09:44 AM
    Thread: Thanks for watching the Livestream! The next one is planned for Saturday at 4 PM.
Post: Thanks for watching the Livestream! The next one i...

Since the stream wasn't exactly butter-smooth today, the logs are split into multiple chunks. Here they are in sequential order. (
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 4 49,463 08-13-2015, 11:33 PM
    Thread: The first NCFC Livestream Preview will be tonight at 10 PM US/Eastern Time (UTC-4)
Post: The first NCFC Livestream Preview will be tonight ...

Excuse the short notice, but I figured I'd start this tonight. :) Specific previews will include Super Mario: Elemental Orbs and Super Mario All-Star Attack. Expect some others, too! The livestr...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 2 36,772 08-13-2015, 04:51 PM
    Thread: How's this for the new NCFC Direct format?
Post: How's this for the new NCFC Direct format? Going back into a style I kinda had before. This one was kinda rushed out after a while due to being busy with various other things, but hopefully it's not...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 2 37,031 08-09-2015, 05:36 PM
    Thread: Booth registration is now up!
Post: RE: Booth registration is now up!

Usually any booth with something new will get accepted, so it's fine if you got a WIP. :) Anyway, I think I will announce in advance when the NCFC Preview Livestreams are set to happen. Does anyone h...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 14 108,528 08-06-2015, 09:26 PM
    Thread: Booth registration is now up!
Post: Booth registration is now up!

After a bit of of a mix of oopsies and Hi-I'm-Daisies, Booth Registration is up at an odd 17 days before NCFC begin. Remember, there's incentive to submit early! ... Well, about as early as this ti...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 14 108,528 08-06-2015, 01:08 AM
    Thread: (Current Format of) NCFC Directs canned
Post: (Current Format of) NCFC Directs canned

In light of Satoru Iwata's passing, the current NCFC Direct format will be discontinued. It was decided after finding a consensus that further Iwata edits for NCFC Direct would be considered distaste...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 2 37,444 07-12-2015, 10:05 PM
    Thread: We need trailers... or else this happens.
Post: We need trailers... or else this happens. It should be taken for granted, I'd presume, that if NCFC Directs are in, that NCFC is taking trailers for your games. However, I... didn't quite get eno...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 5 55,923 07-12-2015, 06:22 PM
    Thread: Date set for NCFC 2015!
Post: RE: Date set for NCFC 2015!

Not yet... I'm thinking early August at the moment, but I don't have a particular reason other than wanting to get the hypetrain going (and making sure the other staff are ready for it)
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 10 91,522 07-10-2015, 03:11 PM
    Thread: Date set for NCFC 2015!
Post: RE: Date set for NCFC 2015!

Good to see someone from Soah City popping on here. ^_^ Hopefully this means we'll be seeing more Sonic entries.
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 10 91,522 07-07-2015, 10:51 PM
    Thread: Date set for NCFC 2015!
Post: Date set for NCFC 2015! Surprised? I wanted to do this earlier in the summer, but it seems late August is the most requested date. The date change is in response to critiques...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 10 91,522 07-05-2015, 09:21 PM
    Thread: NCFC 2014 is Now Over
Post: RE: NCFC 2014 is Now Over

That's two votes for the Fri-Sat-Sun format. I'll keep this in mind for next year.
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 11 301,946 11-10-2014, 06:12 PM
    Thread: NCFC 2014 is Now Over
Post: RE: NCFC 2014 is Now Over

I'm thinking so as well - weekends are generally more freetime for people than weekdays. I'm not sure whether I'd want it to be a 7-day event though, considering how tired I was after 5. I'm wondering...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 11 301,946 11-09-2014, 06:44 PM
    Thread: NCFC 2014 is Now Over
Post: RE: NCFC 2014 is Now Over

Speaking of next year, suggestions for a date ARE being taken right now. Feel free to discuss that in this thread along with whatever else.
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 11 301,946 11-09-2014, 05:55 PM
    Thread: Livestream logs WILL be available for anyone who missed them.
Post: Livestream logs WILL be available for anyone who m...

And to start, here's a log of what Plom streamed the other night.[br][hr][br] Here's some other logs! Opening:
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 0 49,247 11-03-2014, 09:08 PM
    Thread: Ah, yea, I nearly forgot... Smash Bros. Tournament regs.
Post: RE: Ah, yea, I nearly forgot... Smash Bros. Tourna...

Guinea Wrote: (11-03-2014, 06:34 PM) -- ^You should also think about character restrictions, and match mode. E.g. will it just be a single match per round or best of 3? How many stocks will there be...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 6 97,961 11-03-2014, 09:01 PM
    Thread: Filling up the Workshop schedule.
Post: RE: Filling up the Workshop schedule.

We moved from Hitbox due to issues with Livestream attendance overflow, basically. PJCLink Wrote: (11-03-2014, 05:08 PM) -- KiddoCabbusses Wrote: (11-03-2014, 04:43 PM) -- Emperor Wrote: (11-03-...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 14 172,215 11-03-2014, 05:44 PM
    Thread: Ah, yea, I nearly forgot... Smash Bros. Tournament regs.
Post: RE: Ah, yea, I nearly forgot... Smash Bros. Tourna...

Well, so far the only apparent ruleset I got is that it's gonna be 1v1. If I don't think of anything else I'll probably just go for "For Glory"-style rules (No items, Omega stages).
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 6 97,961 11-03-2014, 05:43 PM
    Thread: I sincerely apologize about Bluecore being lousy at your game.
Post: I sincerely apologize about Bluecore being lousy a...

Just saying.
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 2 63,381 11-03-2014, 05:42 PM
    Thread: Filling up the Workshop schedule.
Post: RE: Filling up the Workshop schedule.

Emperor Wrote: (11-03-2014, 11:36 AM) -- Ah, I like that idea for a FAQ. Unfortunately, Kiddo will have to give you the answer to your questions, since I'm not 100% sure about the restrictions on Hit...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 14 172,215 11-03-2014, 04:43 PM
    Thread: This Year's Writing Contest!
Post: RE: This Year's Writing Contest!

Yeah, post them here.
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 6 97,069 11-03-2014, 04:41 PM
    Thread: Ah, yea, I nearly forgot... Smash Bros. Tournament regs.
Post: Ah, yea, I nearly forgot... Smash Bros. Tournament...

I'll leave this note for anyone who plans to register to the Smash 3DS Tournament. PM me your Friend Code, and I will respond to you with my own Friend Code. (I plan to spectate all the matches as ...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 6 97,961 11-03-2014, 04:40 PM
    Thread: This Year's Image Contest!
Post: This Year's Image Contest!

Along with the writing contest, here's an image contest! Much like the writing contest, the rules are simple: Reply to this news post with your entry. This time, entries are pictures. This year's I...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 1 78,137 11-03-2014, 04:18 AM
    Thread: This Year's Writing Contest!
Post: This Year's Writing Contest!

Hey, folks! Remember when I said I'll be announcing some contests? Well, it's a bit into opening ceremony, and now it's time to announce them! To start, we have a writing contest. The rules are simpl...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 6 97,069 11-03-2014, 03:05 AM
    Thread: Filling up the Workshop schedule.
Post: RE: Filling up the Workshop schedule.

Since most of that stuff is my own stuff/Simply marking due times for contest entries, I'll just shift things accordingly if necessary.
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 14 172,215 11-03-2014, 12:56 AM
    Thread: Sneak Peek, now with 100% more kawaii.
Post: RE: Sneak Peek, now with 100% more kawaii.

Quote: -- Invalid or Deleted File. The key you provided for file access was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on MediaFire. This occurs when the file is remove...
KiddoCabbusses Archived News 8 97,794 11-02-2014, 08:39 PM